It’s time to pause and reflect on the road that has led to GRIT Legal and acknowledge the people who have been part of my journey.
Firstly, I acknowledge my earliest mentor, my Grandad, who instilled in me a love of negotiation and the confidence to walk away until the right deal was on the table. He wasn’t a lawyer, he was frugal and didn’t spend a cent more than he had to. I often think of him when I’m trying to squeeze every last cent I can out of the opposing lawyer for my client.
Secondly, my Gran, who affectionately dubbed me Anna with a Banner at an early age, validating my natural instinct to stand up for the rights of others.
Thirdly, my Mum, who encouraged and fostered my resilience and desire to pursue justice. She has been my biggest supporter; celebrating wins and allowing me to destress when I’m under pressure.
Then there are my professional mentors - Sergio Bacchetti nurtured me by encouraging me to always have a go, to own up early to any mistakes and never be scared to reach out for assistance. Working for Sergio, I started off filing and photocopying, progressing to reception, legal assistant, para legal work and assisting the office manager. This wide range of experience at an early age and the leadership of Sergio (a father figure who I know always has my back), gave me the confidence to start my own firm.
It was a hard decision not to train under Sergio when I was admitted to legal practice. However, the pull of a firm specializing in Personal Injury law, and wanting to learn from others in the industry, lead me to Richard Morrow and David Purcell. Richard is now a Barrister at the Victorian Bar and David is a County Court Judge. Richard and David favoured the sink or swim method of training, whilst instilling in me an absolute faith that I would swim. From day one no case was too big for me to take on. Thus, the learning curve was steep. I was running County Court and Supreme court cases under their supervision, while lawyers at my level of practice at other firms were often restricted to legal research and making coffees!
Richard remains one of my most trusted friends and mentors and we share a passion for fighting for people's rights. When I’m angry about an injustice and excited about the prospect of righting it, I can count on Richard to share my enthusiasm.
Both Richard and David said I had a gut instinct and Grit which couldn’t be learnt. Their confidence in me made me believe it was inevitable I would run my own personal injury firm one day. They taught me it’s important to have someone else believe in you, while you foster belief in yourself.
The opportunity came to buy into a leading personal injury firm when I was 29 and had just found out I was pregnant with our first child. The timing wasn’t right for me.
Returning from maternity leave my confidence was shaken by new management who disregarded my previous experience and drastically reduced my pay. Like me, I believe many women feel vulnerable and have low self-esteem at that stage of our lives. I was sleep deprived, torn between wanting to care for our children and pursuing my career. Looking back, I can’t believe as an advocate who fights for worker’s rights, I allowed that to happen. As a result, I am very passionate about nurturing self-belief in women during all stages of their careers.
While I never waivered in my ability to win cases for clients, it took a long time to consider myself worthy of starting my own firm.
So why take the leap now, when we are living in a global pandemic?
Working from home lead me to the realisation that I could start my own firm. The slower pace caused by Covid gave me time to think about my career, and discuss the concept of GRIT Legal with my husband, Brian. Brian agreed it was time I had a crack. Quite simply, I couldn’t do it without his unwavering support. While I tend to overthink, (it comes with the analytical brain needed for legal practice), Brian listens and it was this that helped me to recognise the decision was simple. Thus, GRIT Legal was born.
To all those mentioned and the many more important colleagues, friends (particular mention to Tanya Waterson, Dalenne McDowell and Leah Boyd) and clients who have been part of my journey, I thank you.
Thanks to my clients who have transferred firms and been patient during the set-up phase. Websites and media announcements have been on the back burner as my priority has been to ensure my existing clients are well cared for. In the future, I am looking forward to sharing blogs about the law and celebrating winning cases and achieving maximum compensation.
Please send me an email at if there is a particular topic you’d like me to cover in a future blog.
Write us an email, give us a call or fill out the form provided – it’s sent directly to Ann’s inbox. Ann reads every email personally and will get back to you ASAP.
Have a chat with Ann even if you don’t think you have a case, she will be more than happy to evaluate your situation.
P. 0428 967 046
PO Box 88, Camperdown VIC 3260
26 Leura Street, Camperdown VIC 3260