Complacency or conviction that it won’t happen to you can lead to 2 bad decisions:-
1. Failing to take simple safety measures such as wearing a helmet whilst riding a motorbike, quad bike or using a side by side; and/or
2. Failing to Register all farm vehicles with the TAC.
Obviously even when all safety measures are taken accidents still occur. I have seen the devastation that farm accidents cause to families. We know farmers don’t work 7.5 hour days so replacing the labour that he or she does while recovering from injury is a great stress in itself.
There are 2 ways to ensure you are covered as a farmer:-
1. Ensure you have WorkCover Insurance and that you are covered under your policy; and
2. Ensure your farm vehicles are registered.
While registering your farm vehicle involves the one-off cost of obtaining a roadworthy certificate, the costs are likely to be minimal when compared to what is available with TAC coverage in the event of an accident involving injury.
The Transport Accident Act makes it clear that unregistered vehicles on private land are not covered by the Act.
This means that if someone is injured on your property is riding or driving an unregistered motor vehicle they are not able to receive transport accident entitlements.
I have also come across farmers who were riding registered quad bikes but didn’t realise they had access to TAC entitlements. They were only asked at the hospital and by their GP whether they were covered by WorkCover. They knew they weren’t covered by their WorkCover policy but no one suggested they lodge a TAC Claim. It is therefore important to spread the word that if you are injured on private property driving or riding a registered motor vehicle your loss of earnings, medical expenses and rehabilitation will be covered through TAC. You may also have an entitlement to lump sum compensation.
Write us an email, give us a call or fill out the form provided – it’s sent directly to Ann’s inbox. Ann reads every email personally and will get back to you ASAP.
Have a chat with Ann even if you don’t think you have a case, she will be more than happy to evaluate your situation.
P. 0428 967 046
PO Box 88, Camperdown VIC 3260
26 Leura Street, Camperdown VIC 3260